Sunday, February 15, 2015


I chose a quote by Chesterton. ''In truth it is inequality that is the illusion. The extreme disproportion between men, that we seem to see in life, is  thing of changing lights, and lengthening shadows. A twilight full of fancies, and distortions... It is the experience of men that returns to the equality of men; it is when men have seen and suffered much and come at the end of their elaborate experiments that they see men under an equal light of death, and daily laughter and non the less mysterious for being many''.

I believe that Chesterton is referring to the broad view of nationalism in terms of political culture, and political identity. He is saying that initially men are trying to find their true standing in political society, all while they might false claim a view, throughout the duration of  their experiments. When it is all said, and done, men will come to realize that we are equal in death, and therefore should spend there days in laughter, and light. I chose this quote because it supports a strong individualistic mentality, but also caters to collective thinking political groups. This quote is an asset to the class because all political systems hold a bias of some form, and this quote sheds light on that fact.

This passage is about the many elements that influenced American political culture stemming from historical events. Most significantly the question what is America? Is elaborated as a diverse America, ruled by an ancient minority class that considers itself superior, but must find a way to govern the diverse majority. The passage focuses on the essays of respected, and most influential thinkers of the 18th century, and their concern with what America might become in the future.

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